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 REGISTER for Cline Innovations LLC DynaPass Accepted UserID and Password Accepted Here  
   If you are registered at any other Dynapass site, log in here with the User ID and password you use there.
 UserID*  We suggest using the email address as entered below
Must be 6-10 characters long, with at least one letter and one number.
Passwords are CASE senSitiVe!
 First Name*  
 Last Name*
 Business Tax ID
FOR BUSINESSES ONLY:  enter Tax ID if exempt from sales taxes
Grant Deny this site permission to see/use my Tax ID

 City (Location)* 
Type the first few letters and select from choices offered. (Use work location for business-related registration)
 Postal Code*
 I agree to receive information on current offers from Cline Innovations LLC.
 I can withdraw my consent at anytime by returning to this registration profile page and unchecking this box.
PRIVACY AND CONFIDENTIALITY: Information submitted is not provided to any other party except under court order.